Real name: Simon.
Birth date and place: August 6th 1975
Place of residence: My House.
Place of residence (in the KC Stadium): East Stand (i'm unlucky if i sit
anywhere else.)
How long have you supported City?: My first memory is 1984ish
Most memorable match: Against west ham in the old second division (1985ish, again i'm not entirely sure, we were one up as i remember it, then west ham attacked, and i have a freeze frame in my head of the ball being a yard over the line when they crossed and scored. End result 1-1)
All time favourite player: I have 2:- 1) Stanley Alexander - My Grandad, I
wish i had seen him play). 2) Billy Askew, my city idol as a boy.
Current favourite player: Leon Cort, the kings cort.
Best ever Tigers XI: Tony Norman;
Favourite film: Star wars (the original trilogy), ET, Harvey, Lost in Translation, Singing in the rain, labyrinth, arsenic and old lace, Shaun of the dead, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent bob Strike Back, The Philidelphia Story, Flash gordon, Debbie Does Dallas, Project A, Spiderman, Big night, The Muppet movie, Twelve angry men, Predator, The little mermaid, the lord of the rins trilogy, help, duck soup, dark city, jason and the argonaughts, superman, vertigo, scrooged, private parts, the man with the golden gun, top gun, stir crazy, north by north west. (ok i'll stop, it just depends what mood i happen to be in)
Favourite TV programme: 24.
Favourite band/artist: Suede or Pearl Jam or Teenage Fanclub.
Favourite song: Jeremy - Pearl Jam
Favourite book: Have A Nice Day: a tale of blood and sweatsocks, by Mick
Favourite website: http://www.lordsofpain.net (its not what it might
sound like.)