Real name: Peter North
Birth date and place: 11/07/1980
Place of residence: Beverley Road, Hull
Place of residence (in the KC Stadium):East stand, E4 H119
How long have you supported City?: only since about '95
Most memorable match: Hull City 8-4 Whitby Town (AET) 26-11-96 what fun!
All time favourite player: I used to love Duane Darby (see above fixture)
Current favourite player: Probably Stuart Elliott.....or Bo.
Favourite Tigers XI (that I've seen): Carroll, Edwards, Dawson,
Whittle, Delaney, Brabin, Whitmore, Peacock, Elliott, Darby,
Allsop....oh and Trevitt....hahahaha
Favourite film: Thw Wicker Man
Favourite TV programme: Seinfeld/MOTD/Futurama
Favourite band/artist: SFA, Led Zeppelin, Roses, Jeff Buckley and on and on.....
Favourite song: Can't possibly answer that!
Favourite book: 1984
Favourite website: this one!